Saturday, October 11, 2008


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -- Mahatma Gandhi 

Well, we've have come a long way on our journey along the 6 Steps to Change. So far we have:

• "Used your Imagination" to create an image of a new and better tomorrow.
• Gotten to "Know Thyself" better by surveying the 4 quadrants of your life and deepening your understanding of how you do yourself in the world.
• "Q'd it Up" to get a better sense of which quadrants you may need to develop new skills in to create more balance in your life.
• "Caught Yourself in the Act" recognizing online the behaviors that trigger you and what old habits arise in those moments.
• Begun to "Change Your Behaviors and Change Your Mind" first by stepping back to see how your habitual patterns have led to specific outcomes and beliefs about your interactions with others and then by seeing how, by trying new behaviors, your can create new outcomes and attitudes.

Now comes the final step to actually embody the change you've created in your life and in relationship to those that are important to you. You're on the road to fulfilling that dream of a happier and healthier family and a new you that is able to begin to enjoy life once again.

This is an exciting step but not an easy one. It'll take using the 4 Foundations of Change that I have talked about before. You'll need to be Committed to the hard work that lay ahead, you will need to have a fierce curiosity that enables you to seek to Understand what happened when there are breakdowns, you'll need to Communicate to others your intentions and your need for support to help see you through the inevitable potholes in the road that you will find along the way, and finally, you'll need Compassion for yourself for the hard work that you are doing and for what it means to be human and fallible.

Real change takes time and it is important to celebrate small successes and to have people around that can cheer you on when you make progress and give you a hug and a pat on the back when things get hard. The important thing to remember is that the Hope that you started this process with, and the new tomorrow that you have created in your imagination, are the sources of energy that will keep you going on your journey.

Remember, new thoughts and behaviors, new attitudes, a more balanced lifestyle, and exciting new outcomes to look forward to. Spend some time as you begin the journey deciding who will be your coaches and supporters. Seek out role models that you can look to as you try on new behaviors. And finally, don't be afraid to ask for help.
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